german-copyright-law drafting and revising licensing contracts, contractual agreements, as well as book publishing contracts, edition contracts and publishing administration agreements, including drafting contracts for the production of sound storage media, film bases and data processing media (transfer agreements for artists and bands, distribution agreements, performance agreements, live performance agreements);  general media law, including publishing law, law of the press,  German english-lawyer-copyright-copyrights-attorney-court internet, music, film, television and events, as well as drafting agreements for film and television productions (screenwriter contracts, product placement agreements, producer contracts);  management contracts, agency contracts, promotion agreements, media cooperation agreements and merchandising agreements;  protection of domain names Lawyer Germany English language Attorney-at-law English Lawyer germany french advocat francais allemagne French Attorney in Germany spanish language abogado alemania Spanish Attorney/ Lawyer in Germany Italian language avvocatto germania Italian Lawyer/ Attorney Germany Portuguese language advogado Alemanha Portuguese Polish speaking Lawyer/ Attorney in Germany adwokat Niemcy Polish Japanese speaking Lawyer/ Attorney in Germany Bengoshi Doitsu Japanese Attorney/ Lawyer Vietnamese language luat su Vietnamese Korean speaking lawyer/ attorney in Germany, Europe Korean Chinese language Lawyer/ Attorney in Germany/ Europe Chinese Lawyer/ Attorney russian speaking advokat Germaniya Russian


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Locations Berlin Bielefeld Bremen Düsseldorf Frankfurt Hamburg Hanover Munich Stuttgart copyright attorney solicitor lawyer german copyright representative german copyright law media law licence law competition lawyer copyright open source copyright game copyrights software copyrights game player copyrights source code copyrights film rights music rights right chain multi media rights copyright attorney at law artists, musicians, composers, copywriters, authors, photographers, designers, actors, models, as well as media, publishing, production and distribution companies of different sizes in all matters relating to German and international copyright and ancillary copyright law. This is the way it should be. We do, however, offer more. Our lawyers are highly specialised experts who closely work together with companies in the media, film and music industry. You might already know us from former co-operation. You may have read scientific publications written by one of or lawyers, you may have participated in our seminars or you may have heard about us in the mass media. Should this be the first time that you have heard about us, you will get to know us as a reliable legal partner who will help you achieve your goal. We may as well appeal to you because of our profile and practice areas, which your network of experts does not yet cover. Among our practice areas you will find the following: drafting and revising licensing contracts, contractual agreements, as well as book publishing contracts, edition contracts and publishing administration agreements, including drafting contracts for the production of sound storage media, film bases and data processing media (transfer agreements for artists and bands, distribution agreements, performance agreements, live performance agreements);  general media law, including publishing law, law of the press, internet, music, film, television and events, as well as drafting agreements for film and television productions (screenwriter contracts, product placement agreements, producer contracts);  management contracts, agency contracts, promotion agreements, media cooperation agreements and merchandising agreements;  protection of domain names, trademarks and trade names, hosting, access-, service- and content providing as well as liability in the internet, especially liability for one's own contents and contents of third parties, as well as linking liability;  software and database law (mobile commerce, MMS, Digital Rights Management, i.e. administration of DRM systems, technical protective measures such as access control systems, copy protection systems for audio-CDs, DVDs, film and multimedia DVDs, and other data storage media;  negotiating on behalf of authors with production and distribution companies;  assisting production and distribution companies at negotiations with authors;  examining and evaluating works in the areas of design and art as far as copyright issues are concerned (also linguistic, sound and picture works)  rights clearance and acquisition, litigation;  national and international management of rights;  usability checks;  out-of-court dispute resolution and litigation in all copyright matters, (including interim injunction and international legal relations). copyright attorney solicitor lawyer german copyright representative german copyright law media law licence law competition lawyer copyright open source copyright game copyrights software copyrights game player copyrights source code copyrights film rights music rights right chain multi media rights copyright attorney at law artists, musicians, composers, copywriters, authors, photographers, designers, actors, models, as well as media, publishing, production and distribution companies of different sizes in all matters relating to German and international copyright and ancillary copyright law. This is the way it should be. We do, however, offer more. Our lawyers are highly specialised experts who closely work together with companies in the media, film and music industry. You might already know us from former co-operation. You may have read scientific publications written by one of or lawyers, you may have participated in our seminars or you may have heard about us in the mass media. Should this be the first time that you have heard about us, you will get to know us as a reliable legal partner who will help you achieve your goal. We may as well appeal to you because of our profile and practice areas, which your network of experts does not yet cover. Among our practice areas you will find the following: drafting and revising licensing contracts, contractual agreements, as well as book publishing contracts, edition contracts and publishing administration agreements, including drafting contracts for the production of sound storage media, film bases and data processing media (transfer agreements for artists and bands, distribution agreements, performance agreements, live performance agreements);  general media law, including publishing law, law of the press, internet, music, film, television and events, as well as drafting agreements for film and television productions (screenwriter contracts, product placement agreements, producer contracts);  management contracts, agency contracts, promotion agreements, media cooperation agreements and merchandising agreements;  protection of domain names, trademarks and trade names, hosting, access-, service- and content providing as well as liability in the internet, especially liability for one's own contents and contents of third parties, as well as linking liability;  software and database law (mobile commerce, MMS, Digital Rights Management, i.e. administration of DRM systems, technical protective measures such as access control systems, copy protection systems for audio-CDs, DVDs, film and multimedia DVDs, and other data storage media;  negotiating on behalf of authors with production and distribution companies;  assisting production and distribution companies at negotiations with authors;  examining and evaluating works in the areas of design and art as far as copyright issues are concerned (also linguistic, sound and picture works)  rights clearance and acquisition, litigation;  national and international management of rights;  usability checks;  out-of-court dispute resolution and litigation in all copyright matters, (including interim injunction and international legal relations). copyright attorney solicitor lawyer german copyright representative german copyright law media law licence law competition lawyer copyright open source copyright game copyrights software copyrights game player copyrights source code copyrights film rights music rights right chain multi media rights copyright attorney at law artists, musicians, composers, copywriters, authors, photographers, designers, actors, models, as well as media, publishing, production and distribution companies of different sizes in all matters relating to German and international copyright and ancillary copyright law. This is the way it should be. We do, however, offer more. Our lawyers are highly specialised experts who closely work together with companies in the media, film and music industry. You might already know us from former co-operation. You may have read scientific publications written by one of or lawyers, you may have participated in our seminars or you may have heard about us in the mass media. Should this be the first time that you have heard about us, you will get to know us as a reliable legal partner who will help you achieve your goal. We may as well appeal to you because of our profile and practice areas, which your network of experts does not yet cover. Among our practice areas you will find the following: drafting and revising licensing contracts, contractual agreements, as well as book publishing contracts, edition contracts and publishing administration agreements, including drafting contracts for the production of sound storage media, film bases and data processing media (transfer agreements for artists and bands, distribution agreements, performance agreements, live performance agreements);  general media law, including publishing law, law of the press, internet, music, film, television and events, as well as drafting agreements for film and television productions (screenwriter contracts, product placement agreements, producer contracts);  management contracts, agency contracts, promotion agreements, media cooperation agreements and merchandising agreements;  protection of domain names, trademarks and trade names, hosting, access-, service- and content providing as well as liability in the internet, especially liability for one's own contents and contents of third parties, as well as linking liability;  software and database law (mobile commerce, MMS, Digital Rights Management, i.e. administration of DRM systems, technical protective measures such as access control systems, copy protection systems for audio-CDs, DVDs, film and multimedia DVDs, and other data storage media;  negotiating on behalf of authors with production and distribution companies;  assisting production and distribution companies at negotiations with authors;  examining and evaluating works in the areas of design and art as far as copyright issues are concerned (also linguistic, sound and picture works)  rights clearance and acquisition, litigation;  national and international management of rights;  usability checks;  out-of-court dispute resolution and litigation in all copyright matters, (including interim injunction and international legal relations). copyright attorney solicitor lawyer german copyright representative german copyright law media law licence law competition lawyer copyright open source copyright game copyrights software copyrights game player copyrights source code copyrights film rights music rights right chain multi media rights copyright attorney at law artists, musicians, composers, copywriters, authors, photographers, designers, actors, models, as well as media, publishing, production and distribution companies of different sizes in all matters relating to German and international copyright and ancillary copyright law. This is the way it should be. We do, however, offer more. Our lawyers are highly specialised experts who closely work together with companies in the media, film and music industry. You might already know us from former co-operation. You may have read scientific publications written by one of or lawyers, you may have participated in our seminars or you may have heard about us in the mass media. Should this be the first time that you have heard about us, you will get to know us as a reliable legal partner who will help you achieve your goal. We may as well appeal to you because of our profile and practice areas, which your network of experts does not yet cover. Among our practice areas you will find the following: drafting and revising licensing contracts, contractual agreements, as well as book publishing contracts, edition contracts and publishing administration agreements, including drafting contracts for the production of sound storage media, film bases and data processing media (transfer agreements for artists and bands, distribution agreements, performance agreements, live performance agreements);  general media law, including publishing law, law of the press, internet, music, film, television and events, as well as drafting agreements for film and television productions (screenwriter contracts, product placement agreements, producer contracts);  management contracts, agency contracts, promotion agreements, media cooperation agreements and merchandising agreements;  protection of domain names, trademarks and trade names, hosting, access-, service- and content providing as well as liability in the internet, especially liability for one's own contents and contents of third parties, as well as linking liability;  software and database law (mobile commerce, MMS, Digital Rights Management, i.e. administration of DRM systems, technical protective measures such as access control systems, copy protection systems for audio-CDs, DVDs, film and multimedia DVDs, and other data storage media;  negotiating on behalf of authors with production and distribution companies;  assisting production and distribution companies at negotiations with authors;  examining and evaluating works in the areas of design and art as far as copyright issues are concerned (also linguistic, sound and picture works)  rights clearance and acquisition, litigation;  national and international management of rights;  usability checks;  out-of-court dispute resolution and litigation in all copyright matters, (including interim injunction and international legal relations).

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Fon +49 711.99 58 55-90
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Gesetz betreffend das Urheberrecht an Werken der bildenden Künste und der Photographie vom 9. Januar 1907 in Textfassung mit Geltung seit dem 1. Januar 1975. Gesetz teilweise aufgehoben durch § 141 Nr. 5 G v. 9.9.1965, BGBl. I 1273 mWv 1.1.1966, soweit es nicht den Schutz von Bildnissen betrifft. Zuletzt geändert durch Art. 3 § 31 G v. 16. 2.2001, BGBl. I 266.

§§ 1 bis 21 (aufgehoben)

§ 22

Bildnisse dürfen nur mit Einwilligung des Abgebildeten verbreitet oder öffentlich zur Schau gestellt werden. Die Einwilligung gilt im Zweifel als erteilt, wenn der Abgebildete dafür, daß er sich abbilden ließ, eine Entlohnung erhielt. Nach dem Tode des Abgebildeten bedarf es bis zum Ablaufe von 10 Jahren der Einwilligung der Angehörigen des Abgebildeten. Angehörige im Sinne dieses Gesetzes sind der überlebende Ehegatte oder Lebenspartner und die Kinder des Abgebildeten und, wenn weder ein Ehegatte oder Lebenspartner noch Kinder vorhanden sind, die Eltern des Abgebildeten.

§ 23

(1) Ohne die nach § 22 erforderliche Einwilligung dürfen verbreitet und zur Schau gestellt werden:

1. Bildnisse aus dem Bereiche der Zeitgeschichte;
2. Bilder, auf denen die Personen nur als Beiwerk neben einer Landschaft oder sonstigen Örtlichkeit erscheinen;
3. Bilder von Versammlungen, Aufzügen und ähnlichen Vorgängen, an denen die dargestellten Personen teilgenommen haben;
4. Bildnisse, die nicht auf Bestellung angefertigt sind, sofern die Verbreitung oder Schaustellung einem höheren Interesse der Kunst dient.

(2) Die Befugnis erstreckt sich jedoch nicht auf eine Verbreitung und Schaustellung, durch die ein berechtigtes Interesse des Abgebildeten oder, falls dieser verstorben ist, seiner Angehörigen verletzt wird.

§ 24

Für Zwecke der Rechtspflege und der öffentlichen Sicherheit dürfen von den Behörden Bildnisse ohne Einwilligung des Berechtigten sowie des Abgebildeten oder seiner Angehörigen vervielfältigt, verbreitet und öffentlich zur Schau gestellt werden.

§§ 25 bis 32 (aufgehoben)

§ 33

(1) Mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu einem Jahr oder mit Geldstrafe wird bestraft, wer entgegen den §§ 22, 23 ein Bildnis verbreitet oder öffentlich zur Schau stellt.

(2) Die Tat wird nur auf Antrag verfolgt.

§§ 34 bis 36 (aufgehoben)

§ 37

(1) Die widerrechtlich hergestellten, verbreiteten oder vorgeführten Exemplare und die zur widerrechtlichen Vervielfältigung oder Vorführung ausschließlich bestimmten Vorrichtungen, wie Formen, Platten, Steine, unterliegen der Vernichtung. Das gleiche gilt von den widerrechtlich verbreiteten oder öffentlich zur Schau gestellten Bildnissen und den zu deren Vervielfältigung ausschließlich bestimmten Vorrichtungen. Ist nur ein Teil des Werkes widerrechtlich hergestellt, verbreitet, oder vorgeführt, so ist auf Vernichtung dieses Teiles und der entsprechenden Vorrichtungen zu erkennen.

(2) Gegenstand der Vernichtung sind alle Exemplare und Vorrichtungen, welche sich im Eigentume der an der Herstellung, der Verbreitung, der Vorführung oder der Schaustellung Beteiligten sowie der Erben dieser Personen befinden.

(3) Auf die Vernichtung ist auch dann zu erkennen, wenn die Herstellung, die Verbreitung, die Vorführung oder die Schaustellung weder vorsätzlich noch fahrlässig erfolgt. Das gleiche gilt, wenn die Herstellung noch nicht vollendet ist.

(4) Die Vernichtung hat zu erfolgen, nachdem dem Eigentümer gegenüber rechtskräftig darauf erkannt ist. Soweit die Exemplare oder die Vorrichtungen in anderer Weise als durch Vernichtung unschädlich gemacht werden können, hat dies zu geschehen, falls der Eigentümer die Kosten übernimmt.

(5) (aufgehoben)

§ 38

Der Verletzte kann statt der Vernichtung verlangen, daß ihm das Recht zuerkannt wird, die Exemplare und Vorrichtungen ganz oder teilweise gegen eine angemessene, höchstens dem Betrage der Herstellungskosten gleichkommende Vergütung zu übernehmen.

§§ 39 bis 41 (aufgehoben)

§ 42

Die Vernichtung der Exemplare und der Vorrichtungen kann im Wege des bürgerlichen Rechtsstreits oder im Strafverfahren verfolgt werden.

§ 43

(1) Auf die Vernichtung von Exemplaren oder Vorrichtungen kann auch im Strafverfahren nur auf besonderen Antrag des Verletzten erkannt werden. Die Zurücknahme des Antrags ist bis zur erfolgten Vernichtung zulässig.

(2) Der Verletzte kann die Vernichtung von Exemplaren oder Vorrichtungen selbständig verfolgen. In diesem Falle finden die §§ 477 bis 479 der Strafprozeßordnung mit der Maßgabe Anwendung, daß der Verletzte als Privatkläger auftreten kann.

§ 44

Die §§ 42, 43 finden auf die Verfolgung des in § 38 bezeichneten Rechtes entsprechende Anwendung.

§§ 45 bis 47 (aufgehoben)

§ 48

(1) Der Anspruch auf Schadensersatz und die Strafverfolgung wegen widerrechtlicher Verbreitung oder Vorführung eines Werkes sowie die Strafverfolgung wegen widerrechtlicher Verbreitung oder Schaustellung eines Bildnisses verjähren in drei Jahren.

(2) Die Verjährung beginnt mit dem Tag, an welchem die widerrechtliche Handlung zuletzt stattgefunden hat.

§ 49 (aufgehoben)

§ 50

Der Antrag auf Vernichtung der Exemplare und der Vorrichtungen ist so lange zulässig, als solche Exemplare oder Vorrichtungen vorhanden sind.

§§ 51 bis 54 (aufgehoben)

§ 55

Das Gesetz tritt mit dem 1. Juli 1907 in Kraft.

Exhibition contracts illustrator contract authorization agreements fine art publishing contract protection of author and designs lawyer solicitor barrister law attorney at law law office hanover lower saxony hamburg bremen berlin lawyer solicitor barrister letter of formal notice competition law letter of formal notice copyright city map music law media law IT law contract law new media copyright music law office e-commerce VG Bild-Kunst web designer artist’s contracts band takeover contracts producer’s contracts management contracts film music contracts band formation contracts music video productions concert contracts music publishing contracts edition and administration contracts sample clearances international licensing and distribution agreements GEMA and GVL music on demand & copyright and media law Information Technology (IT) und Intellectual Property (IP) mobile commerce MMS und Digital Rights Management attorney (DRM) DRM systems protective measures such as access control systems and copy protection systems copy protection for audio-CDs DVDs attorney at law attorney-at-law law office protection of domain names trade marks hosting access- service and content-providing film and TV law drafting agreements for film and TV productions screenwriting contracts title protection exploitation agreement drafting production agreements music law drafting agreements for the production of records; exclusive agreements band takeover contracts online advertising online distribution protection of event concepts online distribution trial conduct photograph writer or programmer furnished creative services each genre different media pieces of music theatre law performance contracts clearance royalties book or music rights or questions dealing with individual or collective employment law books photos downloaded from the internet to download from the internet fine arts artist art galleries museums art associations art houses and magazines film law music law screenwriters producers directors actors actresses people working in the film and TV industry composers agencies publishing houses renting companies distribution companies private and public broadcasting corporations regional national and international film promotion performance contracts director’s contracts performing agreements employment contracts touring contracts publishing agreements merchandising marketing licence agreements license agreements film budget banks insurances copyright Internet law attorneys at law film law attorneys at law music law attorney at law film law attorney at law music law domain law screenwriter’s contracts screen adaptation agreements co-production agreements commissioned productions director’s agreements employment agreements film music licensing soundtrack exploitation merchandising marketing film promotion film financing E&O-insurances distribution agreements licence agreements license agreements video exploitation photo law film production film and law media law trade mark law copyright film contract co-production entertainment screenplay licence license film licence film license sample agreement sample contract agreements contracts television law director screen adaptation contract distribution agreement treatment letter of formal notice advertising law press law publishing law film law music law copyright law internet law film contract co-production screenplay director license film license television distribution treatment domain name entertainment litigation independent film producer author publisher advertising law trademark international law contracts lawyer solicitor barrister specialised lawyer musician artist authors composers actors actresses directors people working in the film and television industry designer photographers producers studios record companies publishing houses agencies manager copyright & entertainment law media and entertainment industry concept protection of ideas clearance of rights contract negotiating realisation of a contract financing production licensing advertising marketing merchandising exploitation utilisation settlement of accounts in-court and out-of-court settlements musicians text writers composers managers concert organisers publishers labels producers distribution companies Internet providers collecting societies record contracts book publishing contracts publisher’s agreements translation agreements licensing film adaptation contracts offline-and online exploitation CD-ROMs DVDs online-magazines VG word founding a music band dealing with managers publishers and labels evaluation of contracts clearance of rights settlement of accounts GEMA/GVL membership music business attorney at law lawyer solicitor barrister law office ruling München Munich Stuttgart Hamburg Hanover Berlin copyright law on competition intellectual property press law media law online law letter of formal notice interim injunction reporter press photographer photo reporter agencies publishers broadcasting corporation radio station private persons historical persons press and radio law liability limits of reporting legal counselling services online attorney at law attorneys at law domain law German law Germany law lawyers German law consultant Hanover virtual law office law firm contract law liability law commercial law law of associations media law Internet law copyright commissioned productions software development agreements film adaptation contracts co-production agreements director’s contracts employment contracts film music licences film music licenses soundtrack exploitation merchandising marketing licence agreements license agreements lawyer solicitor barrister law office attorney at law law trademark law patent law law of competition building law law of property administrative law criminal law procedural law software law European law UN law of sales web design agreements provider agreements CD-ROM-evaluation copyright clearances software licence agreements database agreements general terms and conditions protection of domain names online-shopping e-commerce online-distribution music on demand liability considerations German law Germany law attorney at law attorneys at law German legal consultant Northern Germany virtual law office program development agreements software licence agreement database agreements maintenance agreements law office legal practice attorneys at law commercial law economic law contract law agreements contracts law concerning liability photo orders utilisation agreements digital image processing claims relating to photo royalties agency contracts general terms and conditions archived photos model-releases art publishing agreement right to damages solatium compensation for pain and suffering product liability producer’s liability copyright media law online law internet law competition law computer law IT software law user author musician designer artist art law music law composition mp3-download music-download law attorney at law attorney-at-law copyright attorneys lawyers specialising in copyright matters













Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von: (intellectual property Recht Kanzlei Horak Rechtsanwälte Sachverständige Ingenieurbüro Übersetzer Namensfindung/ Branding Die Markenrechtler Pauschalangebote für Markenanmeldungen Werberechtler Die Werberechtler Markenrecherchen Design Ihr Anwalt am Telefon in Hannover Rechtsanwalt Kanzlei Wirtschaftskanzlei Gesundheitsrecht Lebensmittelrecht Arzneimittelrecht anwalt Rechtsanwalt markenanmeldung markenschutz markenrecht patentanmeldung gerbauchsmusteranmeldung patentrecht patent anwalt steuerrecht steuerberatung beratung steuerrecht anwalt urheberrecht nutzungsrecht kunstrecht musikrecht ip recht ip anwalt de markenanmeldung anwalt rechtsanwalt marke recht markenrecht onlinerecht internetrecht anwalt internet impressumspflicht wettbewerbsrecht datenschutzrecht german lawyer germany attorney attorney at law hannover hanover law rights court law suit trademark lawyer trade mark attorney agent service mark application trademark application trademark agents trademark agent germany german europe european trademark agent markenschutz marke schützen anmelden markenrecherche ähnlichkeitsrecherche trademark world scan search anwalt deutschland german lawyer rechtsanwalt hannover anwalt it-recht itrecht computerrecht edv-recht telekommunikationsrecht tk-recht it-/tk-recht wirtschaftsrecht wirtschaftskanzlei wirtschaftsanwalt iprecht abmahnung anwalt labour law

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